Understanding the “Super App” in IndonesiaMaking sense of the past, the present, and the future.Jul 16, 202116Jul 16, 202116
Published inUX CollectiveIs the end near for flat logo design?Oversimplified logos: when less becomes too much.Mar 14, 20219309Mar 14, 20219309
Published inUX CollectiveUX lessons from car gear stick designsHabits and their role in design.Feb 26, 2021146Feb 26, 2021146
Published inInddiumSiapa yang membunuh mobil nasional Indonesia?Kilas balik mimpi Indonesia untuk membangun mobil sendiriFeb 9, 20213Feb 9, 20213
Published inInddiumMenelusuri Paradoks Industri dalam Desain HijauSebuah tinjauan buku “Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things”Jan 13, 20212Jan 13, 20212
Published inUX CollectiveA retrospective of incorporating nostalgia in designNo rose-tinted glasses for me.Jan 8, 2021222Jan 8, 2021222
Abandon all hope, ye who enters 2021The year 2020 is coming to a close, and what a year indeed. Having the entire world turn upside down in the face of a virus surely have…Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020
Does Technology Control Us?An enquiry of the seemingly deterministic nature of technologies.Dec 30, 20202Dec 30, 20202
Teardown: Appreciating Design by Taking Things ApartFrom the moment we wake up until we sleep again, we interact with so many objects that it seems ridiculous to even think about them.Nov 8, 20201Nov 8, 20201
From Cyclists into CommutersHow Indonesia’s cycling boom can be a chance to rethink transportationSep 9, 2020Sep 9, 2020
Pelacakan Aktivitas dalam Kegiatan Belajar: Perspektif SiswaHaruskah kita takut?Sep 3, 2020Sep 3, 2020
Design to Last: a reflection on wasteAs we design more and more products, have we take a look back at just how much there still is?Aug 24, 2020Aug 24, 2020
Published inInddiumDesain dan menjadi lebih “sustainable”Desain merupakan suatu bidang yang sangat kompleks. Secara esensi, desain adalah proses pengambilan keputusan secara terus-menerus…Aug 24, 2020Aug 24, 2020
The Problem with Webinars: It made me write this article.Webinars are becoming the staple of virtual events today. And it’s no surprise, with very few effort needed, a computer with a camera, an…Aug 12, 2020Aug 12, 2020
The quest to understand ‘Technology’ and what it means to discuss itIn my 20 years of life, it feels like “technology” has been my imaginary friend. It always follows me, I use it to identify myself, to…Aug 8, 2020Aug 8, 2020
Industrial Design and the digital future.Industrial design as a field has always been linked to the ever changing landscape of the Industry. Coming to life as a byproduct of the…Aug 4, 2020Aug 4, 2020
Dimanakah Batas “Amati-Tiru-Modifikasi” dan Plagiarisme?Diskurus plagiarisme dan peniruan sudah ada sejak manusia menciptakan barang. Ciptaan dan pencipta merupakan sebuah hubungan yang bagai…Jul 27, 20202Jul 27, 20202
Is there more to life than death?A short essay on what is a complicated conceptJul 21, 2020Jul 21, 2020